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The Tully Castle Massacre, Ireland

Tully Castle was built in the 17th century by Sir John Hume, a Scotsman who ran the region's plantations. At that time, the castle had a hall and living room on the first floor, a large spiral staircase, several bedrooms, four towers and a barrel-vaulted chamber for the kitchen.

During the rebellion of 1641, Tully Castle was attacked on Christmas Day by Rory Maguire, an Irishman who wanted his lands back. To achieve this, he and his men stormed the castle and murdered the Protestant inhabitants who, according to the writings, were more than 60 women, 10 children and 15 men. After this, they looted and burned the castle to the ground.

The castle was never rebuilt and became an overgrown ruin. In 1974, the property was acquired by the environment department and the site was excavated, revealing vestiges of the garden from that era.

Today, it is a true blessing for fans of medieval Irish history, where ghostly stories have not been long in coming. The Irish are convinced that the castle is the subject of strange apparitions of murdered victims, and visitors claim that there is a cold, eerie, dark and melancholic feeling. Many have even heard agonized screams and footsteps on the grass along much of the route.

Do you dare to visit it?


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